Thursday, January 17, 2008

tWiLiGhT zOnE !!

The twilight Zone is what i call it !
Switching between alternate states of mind !!
One perspective leads to the imaginative dimension !!
You wish .....You dream....You times pray !!!
Little knowing that there exists in reality a plan already determined.........a fate already destined.......a time already ensure that its all executed to perfection !!
Were you responsible for it ? .....or were you destined to play a role in the bigger picture ??
Did your imagination play a role in it ??
Question a many left unanswered ??
The other alternate dimension is the practical one......HARD REALITY as many call it !!
You are forced to identify alternatives ..........and you realize !!!
Does that hamper your imagination ? does it make you think twice?? does it create a mental block ??

Creating an alternate switch between the two........a time to imagine.......create.........and hope ..........that a day will come wherein what you imagine will be transformed to reality by sheer understanding and integration of the two , which stems from your mind.........of infinite possibilities !!!...........TBC and revised further :)

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